Mrs Katherine Turner (Chairperson)

Miss Helen Mowat (Staff Rep)

Mr Wayne Leighton (Principal)

Miss Malele Mainuu

Miss Malia Rocque

Ms Renee Dew

Miss Raenada Nicholas

The Board of Trustees is the governing body of the school. It is their function to set the objectives, goals and policies of the school (this may be done in consultation with the school community) and to administer the school finances. The day to day running of the school and the implementation of the policies are the responsibility of the Principal. The Principal is the professional leader of the school, and is responsible to the Board.

The Board is made up of up to four parent representatives, elected by parents of children attending the school, an elected staff representative, and the Principal. Board of Trustee meetings are usually held on the second Tuesday of each month at 6.00 p.m. in the school staffroom.

Royal Road School Annual Report 2022