Board of Trustees Meeting – May 2024

Talofa lava to our Royal Road School community. 

We held our third Board of Trustees meeting for 2024 on May 27; it was a pleasure to welcome our newly elected parent representative, Malele.  We read through the draft ERO School Evaluation Report.  There were many positive comments about the high quality teaching and learning happening at RRS.  The final report should be available through a link on our school website in the next few weeks.  We heard about the school-wide e-asTTle writing assessment that took place last term. We also spent some time hearing about the Structured Literacy approach to teaching reading.  The Government is making this approach mandatory across all primary schools from the start of 2025.  RRS already incorporates many of the Structured Literacy methods, like sounding out letters to form words (phonics).  We were informed of the plan to ensure all aspects of the directive will be met in a timely manner.  During our meeting, we reviewed a couple of school policies and received a finances update.  We agreed to proceed with a couple of small capital expenditure projects to improve access to the bike containers on the field and to store outdoor learning equipment in a purpose-built shed by the adventure play area on the northern edge of the field.  Our next BoT meeting will be held on Monday July 1 at 6pm in the Staffroom.  These meetings are public and you are welcome to attend if you would like to know more about our school governance.  

Manuia Le Vaiaso,

Katie Turner

Current Presiding Member of RRS BOT